Navigating the Future: What Pilots Can Teach About AI

Three years ago, amid a pandemic, I highlighted how pilots could offer insights into risk management—an expertise not confined to aviation but applicable across various domains. Today, as COVID fades, the buzz surrounds artificial intelligence (AI) and its perceived threats. Pilots, having grappled with technology in aviation’s defining debate, hold valuable lessons for the evolving AI discourse.


AI Harmony: Insights from the Skies

While managing weather differs from addressing public health crises, universal principles link diverse risky endeavors. Microsoft’s ChatGPT, dubbed Copilot, acknowledges parallels between AI discussions and aviation’s man vs. machine saga. Despite distinct terminology, the core concern remains: who controls, and what safeguards are essential?


Lessons from the Skies:

  1. Embrace New Technology:

In aviation, evading advancements leads to peril. Similarly, understanding and managing AI, whether through regulation or personal guidelines, is crucial. Cirrus aircraft’s parachute integration illustrates the necessity of honest discourse on controversial technology, ensuring safe and beneficial adoption.

  1. Update Perspectives Constantly:

Speculating on AI’s 2050 form mirrors forecasting airline cockpit technology. Acknowledging biases and recognizing long-term positive trends amidst short-term negatives are vital. Like evolving GA autopilots, adaptability to AI’s shifts ensures effective integration and harnessing of evolving tools.

  1. Maintain Situational Awareness:

AI, akin to an intern, demands constant direction. Pilots’ vigilance mirrors preventing aviation accidents caused by confused avionics. Dual situational awareness—aircraft and automation—reminds us to stay in control. This applies universally, even beyond the cockpit, reinforcing the need for vigilant technology use.

  1. Break the Rules When Needed:

Creativity requires occasional deviation from “best practices.” In aviation and AI, confident rule-breaking, within limits, fosters innovation. Pilots’ occasional disregard for regulations underlines the importance of rules as protective measures, not constraints.

  1. Keep Humans in the Loop:

Technology serves humans, not the reverse. A “pilot in command mindset” prevails, emphasizing human judgment over automation. The 737 Max crashes underscore the consequence of relinquishing too much authority to automation—an essential reminder in managing AI.


AI for Aviation? The Future Awaits:

Garmin’s Autoland offers a glimpse of AI in aviation, making decisions based on multiple factors for safe landings. The potential extends to AI-driven co-pilots or engine analyzers, augmenting human skills. Striking a balance between human expertise and AI assistance ensures optimal collaboration.


Harmony in Collaboration:

Collaboration with AI is nuanced; it’s not an all-or-nothing choice. Whether relying on ChatGPT or autopilots, maintaining a “pilot in command mindset” reinforces human agency. A touch of humility acknowledges technology’s fallibility, urging meticulous understanding, role definition, and vigilant oversight.


In Conclusion:

AI, like a copilot, collaborates under human guidance. Humankind, as the chief pilot, must approach this alliance methodically—comprehending strengths, defining roles, and retaining control. Technology’s potential is vast, but it’s the human touch that ensures a harmonious flight into the future.